College Projects

Senior year

Pc Hack & Slash game Unreal Engine

Production time : 6 months


You play as Alana, an apprentice druid. Returning from her initiatic journey, she discovers her native forest plagued by an evil engendered by the ancient patron deity of the place, who has corrupted her compatriots and turned them into monsters. In order to free them from their torments and purge the forest, she will have to dig deep into its depths and find out what is going on far from the soft sunlight ... 

Junior year

Mobile casual game Unity 3D

Production time : 6 months


A biologic research laboratory is working on various avancement in the field of transplants and synthetics organs. One of their creation a symbiote organism succeed to extract himself little by little in pieces. Successively they will create a path to the outside by infecting more and more the living around them. The parasite is looking to proliferate a maximum and therefore join the urban outside. 

Sophomore year

Mobile Google cardboard Unity 3D 

Production time : 3 months

花火地区 (Hanabi Chiku) fireworks district 

We set ourselves in a night scene during the Japanese New Year's eve. The player will then be able to observe the surrounding neighborhood mixing traditional and modern Japanese elements. The surprise in all of this is a meteor shower approaching the player, ready to land and unleash on the surrounding neighborhood.